In recent years, more and more couples are electing to live together before marriage or instead of pursuing marriage.  In such situations, couples are taking on many of the financial commitments that were traditionally associated with marriage – shared bills, shared housing, shared possessions, etc.  However, while married couples have the Divorce Code to direct how such assets and liabilities will be divided in the event that the relationship ends there is no such code to assist unmarried uncoupling.  The legal remedies available to unmarried couples who are ending their relationship are more disconnected, and the process is often costly.  

To reduce the need for litigation and to remove questions regarding “who gets what” in the event of death or separation, cohabitating couples often enter into contracts, called “cohabitation agreements,” to address these issues.

If you would like more information about cohabitation agreements or if you would like to discuss whether such an agreement is right for you and your partner, please contact one of this office’s family attorneys.